What is the “SS” Method for clearing clutter? Let me tell you – it is creating a "sweep spot"!
This is your secret weapon for quickly clearing clutter when unexpected guests come over.
Picture this: a friend or neighbor is coming over soon and you need to tidy up in a hurry before they arrive. Your sweep spot comes to the rescue! It's a designated place in your house, like a box, drawer, cupboard, or hidden shelf that is normally empty.
This is where you can easily “sweep” things away that are out of place or need to be put away later. It's perfect for temporarily holding random papers or other small items until you have the time to sort them properly and put them away. For example, in my home, we use a pretty lidded box as our sweep spot—it's just so convenient!
What's even better is that the sweep spot isn't just for hiding clutter from guests; it's also handy for stashing those random items you don't have a proper place for at the moment. I remember one of my clients saying, "I can't stand seeing those swim goggles on the kitchen island anymore!" The sweep spot is a real lifesaver in such situations!
Just a friendly reminder, though—the sweep spot is meant to be a temporary solution, not a permanent home for these items. The goal is to process and put things away properly as soon as you can, so you can keep that lovely space ready and waiting for the next quick clean-up. Give yourself a clear deadline for clearing it out.
So, do you have a sweep spot of your own? If so, that's fantastic! Let me know how it's working for you, and if you need any more tips on keeping your home clutter-free and guest-ready, I'm here to help!
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