Trying Buy Nothing for Shop Free February!

In support of #ShopFreeFebruary I finally decided to explore my local Buy Nothing community and post some things to give away! It was a fantastic, feel-good experience! BN has been hosted through Facebook, but now the Buy Nothing Project has its own app!
They say, “The Buy Nothing Project was founded in 2013 with the mission to build community by connecting people through hyperlocal gifting, and reducing our impact on the environment”. And there is a book about the concept and the creation of this worldwide community!
Buy Nothing is like Freecycle, in that NO money is exchanged. The idea is that you offer to "gift" something you’d like to give away with a photo, description, measurements, and perhaps even a story. Then people who are local (to you) can indicate their interest. You choose whom you want the item to go to, and they come and pick it up.
In my FB group “Organizing Solutions for Busy Women” many agree that Buy Nothing is a great place to offer up gently used but unwanted items like cosmetics, nail polish, or toiletries. Sadly, most shelters will not accept anything but brand new face or body products, so this is a wonderful solution to give these used items a “second life” and keep them out of the landfill! I have even seen half-full spices and a leftover pizza offered in my BN community!
Even better, you can ASK for something you want or need as well! Just this weekend someone in my community was searching for a flapper dress to borrow for a murder mystery party. And I just happen to have a fantastic one, complete with a headband and gloves! I am THRILLED to be able to lend this costume because otherwise, it would just be sitting in my closet.
However, If you have LOTS of items to get rid of quickly it may take too much time to post them individually to Buy Nothing. If that is the case, I suggest you explore “A Dozen Places that Will Pick Up Your Donations”.
Do you use Buy Nothing? Are you curious? Let me know how you like to get rid of your excess. Buy Nothing is my new favorite! I encourage you to try (to) BUY NOTHING during #ShopFreeFebruary!
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