Pitch Prescription Drugs Properly!

Do unneeded or expired prescription medications clutter up your bathroom cabinets and bedside drawers? I see this in almost EVERY home that I organize. You are not alone!
Many people just don't know how to safely dispose of prescription medications. Hint: Flushing is never recommended!
- THIS Saturday, October 29th, 2022, is National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, and there are many disposal locations around the USA for everyone! Put your zip code into the DEA's handy website to find out where you can go.
- Can’t get your expired meds together by Oct 29th? Then follow this Google Map link to a pharmacy near you that will take them anytime!
- Or, consider purchasing Medication Disposal Bags so you can easily neutralize and dispose of unused drugs at home.
- Or, even cheaper, mix your drugs in damp coffee grounds, potting soil, or kitty litter. Place them in a sealed plastic bag and just toss them out.
Please let me know what method you like to use in my fun FB Group, “Organizing Solutions for Busy Women.” And share these tips with anyone you know who wants to safely dispose of medications!
Finally, the EASIEST way to remove your info from pill bottles is to just put them in the dishwasher. The words and paper almost always just wash off!
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