Book Suggestions

Books by our Subject Matter Experts

"Keep theĀ Memories, Lose the Stuff" by Matt Paxton

"InheritingĀ Clutter" by Julie Hall

"Photo Organizing Made Easy" by Cathi Nelson

"Six-Word Lessons to Be More Productive" by Debbie Rosemont
"Taming theĀ Digital Tiger - Gmail Edition" by Judith Guertin
"Don't Toss My Memories in the Trash" by Vickie DellaquilaĀ 
"Ophelia - Let's Get Organized" by Vickie Dellaquila
Get the Big O - ORGANIZED! by Gayle Gruenberg

The Six Pillars of Productivity by Cindy Sullivan

Books by Members

"Love, Dignity & Parkinsons" by Terri Pease, Ph.D

"To Life -The Past is Present" Contributions by Wendy Juren Auerbach

"Pearl Harbor Child" by Dorinda Nicholson

"Self Care is not a Mani-Pedi"Ā  Contributing Author Denise Billen-Mieja MD
"Soul Biz" by Galaxy Starborn