The RITE Way to Get It Done!

Finally, the temperatures are warming, and ideas of spring cleaning and organizing are filling our heads! I want to remind you of my signature system to help you not only START, but FINISH the projects you have in mind! The RITE Way can be applied to ANYTHING you want to accomplish!
R is for RESOLVE & REASON = RESULTS: I encourage you to make an actual list of the reasons that you want to make a change. Is it to prepare for a move, a new baby, or healthier eating? If you are motivated to see results, and are mentally prepared for the challenge, you will be more likely to accomplish your goals. For example, you have resolved to go through your personal papers and organize your WFH office space before you ask your family to tidy their spaces. Because you know the WHY behind your change and the results you’d like to see, you have a mindset that is setting you up for success before you have even started!
I is for IMAGINE: Visualize how you will feel once your space is clear, calm, and everything you need is exactly where you want it! Use your imagination to see what the space looks like, even what it sounds and smells like. A client needed a place away from her family to relax. She was inspired to clear her large walk-in closet of excess clothes and she created a place to do yoga, meditate, and just be alone. She is thrilled with this newfound retreat space! Perhaps starting a Pinterest or vision board will inspire you too?
T is for TIME: Set aside a bit more time than you think you need for your big organizing projects. Delivering donations, trash, and items that need to go back to where they really belong adds time that people often do not factor in. Remember, your space did not become disorganized overnight, so it will take some time to make it right again. You can conquer your project all at once or in little bursts. Also plan time for a weekly “reset” so that you can maintain the progress you have made.
E is for EFFORT: Know that organizing will require some effort, but I assure you taking these steps will pay off. There is a lot of lifting, shifting, and decision-making involved before you get to your final result, but your efforts will be worth it!
The RITE Way can be applied to ANY positive change you want to make in your life. Will you give it a try?
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