It’s time to do a Pandemic Purge!

3 boxes decluttered that is labelled toss, donation and keep.

Do you remember Friday, March 13th, 2020? I sure do.  After that, we stocked up, hunkered down, and prepared for what we thought might be a few weeks of uncertainty. Fast forward five years, and while life has largely returned to normal, our homes may still be holding onto remnants of that strange, anxious time.

If you haven’t taken stock of your “pandemic purchases” lately, now is the perfect time for a Pandemic Purge. It’s time to clear out the things we panic-bought, overbought, or simply no longer need so we can make space for the present, not the past.

What to Let Go of Now:

✔ Expired COVID Tests & Medications

Check those boxes! If they’re past their extended expiration dates, they’re no longer reliable and should be properly disposed of.

✔ Excess Canned & Dry Goods

Did you buy 20 cans of black beans or a lifetime supply of rice? If some are still good but won’t get used, donate them to a local food pantry.

✔ Overstocked Cleaning Supplies & Disinfectants

We were wiping down groceries at one point, but do you really need that mountain of sanitizing wipes? Keep a reasonable supply and pass the rest along.

✔ Puzzles You’ve Already Completed 

If you did the same jigsaw puzzle multiple times in lockdown, it’s time to pass it on so someone else can enjoy it.

✔ Forgotten Hobby Supplies

Did you buy knitting needles, a sourdough starter, or an adult coloring book, only to lose interest? If it’s gathering dust, donate it to someone who will actually use it.

✔ Home Gym Equipment You Never Used 

If that stationary bike became a coat rack, it might be time to sell or donate it.

✔ Pandemic-Fueled Entertainment Buys

Remember all those streaming services, subscription boxes, and books you meant to read? Cancel what you don’t use and clear out what no longer excites you.

✔ Clothes You No Longer Wear 

If your wardrobe is still packed with “cozy quarantine outfits” you never reach for now, donate what doesn’t fit your current lifestyle.


What to Keep? Not everything from 2020 needs to go! 

Hold onto:

✔ N95 Masks & a Small Supply of Tests

You never know when you’ll need them for flu season or future travel.

✔ Items That Genuinely Bring You Joy

If you discovered a new hobby or found comfort in something you still use, keep it!

Letting go of these pandemic leftovers isn’t just about decluttering—it’s about moving forward. We’ve all changed in the past five years, and our homes should reflect who we are now, not who we were in crisis mode.

So, take a deep breath, grab a trash bag and a donation box, and start your Pandemic Purge.

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